About Us

We are a group of 6 First Year Global Development Studies students from Queens’ University in Kingston, ON. In our lectures and course readings, we investigated the idea of Canada as a society divided by the idea of the immigrant other, with a focus on discrepancies between those who portray characteristics of ‘whiteness’ and other races. We also explored the false idea of multiculturalism and its effects on immigration policies and practices, the wrongs in the Canadian immigration system and gendered immigration practices. As a group, we chose to investigate the various discriminatory practices and biases embedded within Canada’s current immigration policies and guidelines. Issues of immigration relate to the ‘real world’ as they affect the structure of Canadian society as a diverse nation composed of a spectrum of immigrants and settlers from a multitude of different countries. The immigration policies existing in Canada are relevant not just to those who wish to immigrate into the country, but also to those who are already settled, as they ultimately establish the future of the country by determining who will and will not be allowed entry.

Works Cited

Works Cited

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